Friday 11 April 2014

A Final Few Words

Friday 11 April
We had a smooth journey back to Sheffield last night and arrived at school safe and sound.

I think we can certainly say that everyone had a lovely time in Florence. It has been a great opportunity to explore this wonderful centre of art and culture, from the quiet cloisters of the Renaissance churches to the bustling markets and the beautiful views of the Tuscan landscape.

The girls have been a credit to Sheffield High School. Their sketchbook work reflects so many different responses to all they have seen and some of the girls were still drawing and painting on the plane home!

Sketchbook work at the Brancacci Chapel, Florence

Miss Hanlon, Miss Oxley, Miss Francis


And inside the Duomo di Siena

Thursday 10 April 2014

Our Last Day

Our last update from Florence before we start the return journey.

We definitely made the most of our last day in Florence.  The long-awaited trip to the Uffizi gallery was unfortunately delayed and after an hour long wait we were told to return after lunch.

Luckily, there were not many complaints at this sudden bonus of extra shopping time and we still had the chance to spend two full hours in the gallery, although a year wouldn't have been long enough to see everything. 

It has been a great trip and highly enjoyable. We're currently in the hotel lobby and about to set off home.

See you all soon, when you will get a much fuller account of our Florentine adventure!

Samina Rickards, Iona Carmichael, Matin Charlesworth 

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Day 3

We went to the museum of San Marco which used to be a monastery and we were able to look in the cells that the monks slept in. In the cells they all had individual paintings by Fra Anglico that the monks used as a reference point to God and drew sketches of our favourites.

We then went to the markets near the San Lorenzo square and had lunch whilst sketching the scenery. 

Afterwards we went to the Medici palace and spent the afternoon looking round and sketching from the room known as the 'galleria'. For our evening meal we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe.

Grace Shurmer, Mia Jervis, Amadora Frogson

Monday 7 April 2014

Monday 7 April

We enjoyed walking down the Ponte Vecchio, especially as the weather was so lovely!

We went to Brancacci Chapel to see the frescos - 

Drawing at Brancacci

Walking up a very steep hill to draw the view from the top!

A 'selfie' on top of the big hill! 

Sunday 6 April 2014

We have arrived!

We have arrived safely and already have been drawing!  Established ourselves with an ice cream and some sightseeing. (Photo with Duomo in background)

Wednesday 26 March 2014